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Displaying citations 41 - 50 of 697
Amplification or suppression: Social networks and the climate change—migration association in rural MexicoPublication: Global Environmental ChangeVol: 35
Published: 2015
pp: 463-474
An index of relative displacement risk to hurricanesPublication: Natural HazardsVol: 59
Published: 2011
pp: 833-859
Analysis of and proposal for a disaster information network from experience of the Great East Japan EarthquakePublication: IEEE Communications MagazineVol: 52
Published: 2014
pp: 44-50
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, Version 2: 1900Published by: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
Published: 2013
Anticipatory Migration and Local Labor Responses to Rural Climate ShocksPublished by: University of Wisonsin Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics Center for Demography and Ecology
Published: 2018
pp: 123
Applying statistical models to the climate–migration relationshipPublication: Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesVol: 109
Published: 2012
pp: E2915-E2915
Applying Support Vector Machines to Imbalanced DatasetsPublication: Machine Learning: ECML 2004Published by: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Published: 2004
pp: 39-50
ARIMA models to predict next-day electricity pricesPublication: IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsVol: 18
Published: 2003
pp: 1014-1020